Pop.Up Next: Audi’s idea of a flying taxi

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Airbus and ItalDesign had teamed up together and co-produced the first of a revolutionary type of car in last year’s Geneva Motor Show. Yes, we are talking about the flying taxis that stole a huge portion of the attention in the Geneva Motor Show held last year. The concept behind Pop.Up was that the car itself is like a pod with wheels on the ground, and it can be picked up by special drones into the air. In most of the flying car concepts that we have seen till now, the drone tasked with picking up the car lands and takes off vertically. Airbus and ItalDesign’s latest iteration of Pop.Up has changed that, but that isn’t even the most significant news about the Pop.Up Next either.

Audi PopUp Next (1)

Audi PopUp Next (2)

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Perhaps more noteworthy is the fact that Audi has also joined the team in creating a perfect flying car. The Idea with Pop.Up Next is quite simple, the pods are fitted on skateboard-like electric vehicles. When there is traffic congestion, a drone arrives to rescue the pod and save the day. Here, users can be kept fully aware of the situation mainly through the full-width dashboard display.

Audi’s involvement in the design of the newer models has already started showing results. The stakeholder companies announced at the Geneva Motor Show that the design of the Pop.Up Next has been provided by Audi’s creative tanks. It seems that Audi has brought the flying car more in sync with Audi’s own sharp and sleek design language. Although it also helps rebrand the product, this move was utterly made to decrease the overall weight of the ground pod drastically. A noticeable level of redesigning can also be noticed in the interior of the Pop.Up Next.

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Audi PopUp Next 6

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