BMW, Daimler and VW caught experimenting toxic fumes on humans

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Big three German Automakers BMW, Volkswagen and Daimler, are facing massive backlash for funding tests concerning toxic diesel fumes on humans and monkeys. For the past five years, German automakers have been under harsh criticism from auto enthusiasts across the globe over various issues such as Volkswagen emission scandal.

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According to recent media reports, both German and Americans, it was revealed that German companies were involved in funding experiments on humans and monkeys which are dangerous for heart, lungs and respiratory system. Basically, humans and monkeys were exposed to dangerous diesel fumes; this action by the automotive giants was also condemned by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. A spokesperson for German Government responded as follows: “These tests on monkeys or even humans are in no way ethically justified.”

It would be wise to mention here that these tests were conducted in German University hospital, a research group funded by companies in question measured the effect of nitrogen oxide gases on 25 humans; furthermore, they also locked 10 monkeys in a chamber and tested exhausts from Volkswagen Beetle. These actions led the human and animal rights commission to spank the automakers.

After the criticism, all the automakers distanced themselves from the European Research Group on Environment and Health in the Transport Sector (EUGT), which permitted to conduct these tests on human and monkey subjects.

BMW denied the allegation and said in a statement that the BMW group in no way was involved in this study. Similarly, Daimler also responded and asserted that the company was shocked when it learnt about the extent of the study and its processes.

It is to be noted here that the tests were conducted back in 2013 and 2014. Moving onwards, Volkswagen also distanced itself from this matter. The German Companies decided to dissolve EUGT in 2016, which at last was shut down last year.

The German Government has called the companies to explain their actions and desires behind the funding.

That is it from our side, drop your thoughts in the comments section below.

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